MyHallam is Sheffield Hallam University's student portal, through which students access a vast range of information, as well as their email, timetables and Blackboard sites.
e-learning starter pack
Step by step instructions to request a new module or organisation site.
Threshold Standards for Supporting Learning with Technology are to provide consistent approach to supporting modules. At Sheffield Hallam University, every taught module must have a Blackboard module site for providing core information to students. Other online tools can be used for learning activities, but should be linked to from the Blackboard site.
This article provides a very basic introduction to Blackboard. If you want more detail, go straight to the article: What do I need to know about using Blackboard at SHU?
Key information about how Blackboard and other online Technology Enhanced Learning systems work at Sheffield Hallam.
Site editing and building is done in the context of the pages and tools. There is an Edit Mode switch located in the top far-right of every page.
You can easily customise your Blackboard site menu. This tutorial will show you how to add, remove or hide items from students as well as renaming and rearranging the site menu items.
If a site is "Private", it means that students cannot see the site but staff can access it.