Threshold Standards at Sheffield Hallam University: Introduction
Threshold Standards for Supporting Learning with Technology are to provide consistent approach to supporting modules.
At Sheffield Hallam University, every taught module must have a Blackboard module site for providing core information to students. Other online tools can be used for learning activities, but should be linked to from the Blackboard site.
The following standards describe the minimum practice for managing these sites, so that they support module delivery effectively, provide a more consistent student experience and create a high quality foundation for learning across SHU.
The Threshold Standards are organised into the following themes:
- Every taught module has a Blackboard module site
- Sites are easy to navigate and provide access to core information
- Communication is clear and sets expectations for engagement
- Assessments and feedback are clearly presented
- Materials are accessible
The articles within this Knowledge Base which have been written to help you achieve these standards are, therefore, organised into folders with these themes.