Marking Blackboard Tests

A student taking a test may fail to submit their attempt, only save it, leaving it ‘in progress’. The student will not be able to see their score and feedback for the test until you manually submit the attempt.

If you create and deploy a test containing Essay, Short Answer or File Response question types, you will be required to grade these manually before students can see their scores and feedback for the test.

If an error has been identified in a deployed test after it has been taken by students (e.g. a mistake in the wording of a question or answer, the wrong answer choice indicated as correct, or the incorrect point value of a question), it is possible to retrospectively correct these errors or remove these questions entirely. Where wording or the order of questions is changed, existing grades are not affected. Where the answer choice or numbers of possible points is changed, or questions deleted, Blackboard will automatically ‘regrade’ all completed student attempts.

This article explains how to use the grade history in Blackboard to see exam submission times for all students enrolled on a Blackboard module site.