What instructions are recommended to be provided for students when submitting online?


Instructions for submitting first sit task level assessments

Instructions for subtasks

Instructions for submitting reassessments

Additional instructions and guidance

First sit task level assessments

Automatically created Blackboard assignment submission points for first sit task level summative tasks are set up with the following information and instructions:

  • Work submitted to this submission point will be classed as your official submission. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that your work is successfully submitted. Always check your email receipt and the submission point to confirm your work has uploaded successfully. If there is a problem with your submission you can make changes or resubmit your work up to the given deadline. The last attempt you submit will be the attempt that is marked.
  • Academic Integrity. By submitting, you are certifying that this is your own work, and that the work of others is duly acknowledged and correctly referenced. You can use artificial intelligence (AI) unless your tutor explicitly forbids it. You must acknowledge it where used and keep a record of all your interactions with the AI (chat exchanges, versions and drafts) for submission in case there is an enquiry about the authenticity of your work, i.e. concerns about authorship. If you are not sure whether your AI use is acceptable, seek advice from your tutor. Your submission may be checked by software such as Turnitin to verify it is your own work.
  • If you have a learning contract which states that you must submit work with a blue sticker on it, type the words from the blue sticker at the top of the front page of your work.
  • You must ensure that your work is submitted using the file format(s) specified by the Module Leader. Files must not exceed 250MB in size.
  • If you are submitting up to 24 hours after the deadline without an approved extension, you can still use the extension process if you have not used all of your 4 extensions. You must do this within 24 hours of the deadline.
  • Further guidance, including what to do if you are unable to submit, can be found on Assessment4Students.


Automatically created Blackboard assignment submission points for subtasks are set up with the following information and instructions:

  • Work submitted to this submission point will be classed as your official submission. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that your work is successfully submitted. Always check your email receipt and the submission point to confirm your work has uploaded successfully. If there is a problem with your submission you can make changes or resubmit your work up to the given deadline. The last attempt you submit will be the attempt that is marked.
  • Academic Integrity. By submitting, you are certifying that this is your own work, and that the work of others is duly acknowledged and correctly referenced. You can use artificial intelligence (AI) unless your tutor explicitly forbids it. You must acknowledge it where used and keep a record of all your interactions with the AI (chat exchanges, versions and drafts) for submission in case there is an enquiry about the authenticity of your work, i.e. concerns about authorship. If you are not sure whether your AI use is acceptable, seek advice from your tutor. Your submission may be checked by software such as Turnitin to verify it is your own work.
  • If you have a learning contract which states that you must submit work with a blue sticker on it, type the words from the blue sticker at the top of the front page of your work.
  • You must ensure that your work is submitted using the file format(s) specified by the Module Leader. Files must not exceed 250MB in size.
  • If you are experiencing circumstances which are impacting on your ability to complete the subtask assessment you should contact your module leader in the first instance.


Automatically created Blackboard assignment submission points for reassessments are set up with the following information and instructions:

  • Check your results on My Student Record to see if you are required to complete this reassessment.
  • Work submitted to this submission point will be classed as your official submission. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that your work is successfully submitted. Always check your email receipt and the submission point to confirm your work has uploaded successfully. If there is a problem with your submission you can make changes or resubmit your work up to the given deadline. The last attempt you submit will be the attempt that is marked.
  • Academic Integrity. By submitting, you are certifying that this is your own work, and that the work of others is duly acknowledged and correctly referenced. You can use artificial intelligence (AI) unless your tutor explicitly forbids it. You must acknowledge it where used and keep a record of all your interactions with the AI (chat exchanges, versions and drafts) for submission in case there is an enquiry about the authenticity of your work, i.e. concerns about authorship. If you are not sure whether your AI use is acceptable, seek advice from your tutor. Your submission may be checked by software such as Turnitin to verify it is your own work.
  • If you have a learning contract which states that you must submit work with a blue sticker on it, type the words from the blue sticker at the top of the front page of your work.
  • You must ensure that your work is submitted using the file format(s) specified by the Module Leader. Files must not exceed 250MB in size.
  • If you are submitting up to 24 hours after the deadline without an approved extension, you can still use the extension process if you have not used all of your 4 extensions. You must do this within 24 hours of the deadline.
  • Further guidance, including what to do if you are unable to submit, can be found on Assessment4Students.

Additional guidance

The instructions above can be supplemented with further instructions relevant to the assignment, including:

  • A statement of learning outcomes to be assessed and the criteria for the assessment. (NB. You might like to associate a Feedback Rubric to present this information).
  • IMPORTANT: Students can see a Feedback Rubric regardless of its visibility when they access the Assignment via the mobile Blackboard App. If you are using a Feedback Rubric for grading only and do not want students to see the Feedback Rubric before submitting work, do not associated the Feedback Rubric until submissions have been received and you are starting the marking process.
  • Deadline for submission. (NB. This will normally be entered as the Due Date and Time).
  • Word limits, expectations for the layout and style of the work, a warning not to password protect files
  • Specify the permitted file types for the submission. Note the file types supported by the inline document mark-up tool (Annotate View) if you wish to annotate student papers online.
  • A reminder that filenames should use only letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores.
  • If you are an Micrososoft Edge user, ensure you do not have a copy of your work open whilst submitting your assignment to Blackboard, or better still, use an alternative browser.
  • Where else on the Blackboard site students might find other information relevant to the assignment (e.g. in the Module Documents section, elsewhere in Assessment etc.).
  • How many opportunities students have to submit their work up to their agreed deadline if only a specific number of attempts are permitted.
  • An email (and/or phone) contact for any problems.
  • The date for the return of marked work/feedback and the format in which it will be returned.
  • Any specialist requirements if students will be uploading media-based files.


SH 29/05/2024

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