How do I associate a Feedback Rubric with an Assignment or Grade Centre Column?

Rubrics can be associated with an Assignment during the Assignment creation process. In the 3. Grading section complete Steps 3 to 8.

Rubrics can be associated with any Grade Column in the Grade Centre by:

Step 1: In Control Panel, select Grade Centre.

Step 2: Either:

  1. Begin the process for adding a Grade Column, or:
  2. Locate the existing Grade Column which you wish to associate a Feedback Rubric with, then click the single chevron in the column header and choose the Edit Column Information option.

Step 3: At the bottom of the 1. Column Information section (or 3. Grading section of the Add/Edit Assignment page), against Associated Rubrics, click the Add Feedback Rubric button.

Step 4: A drop-down list will appear, and you choose one from the following options:

  • Select Feedback Rubric enables you to associate a Feedback Rubric that has already been created.
  • Create New Feedback Rubric if you have not yet created the Feedback Rubric you need and wish to create it at this point.
  • Create From Existing if you have not yet created the Feedback Rubric you need and wish to create it at this point using a previously created Feedback Rubric as a template.

Step 5: Click Submit.

Step 6: When associating a points-based rubric, you will be given the choice to use the Feedback Rubric's points value as the Points Possible.

Step 7: Once a Feedback Rubric has been associated, you can can set its visibility to students. By default when a Feedback Rubric is associated with an Assignment or Grade Column, it is not visible to students. It is particularly helpful to students if they can see the Feedback Rubric in advance of completing their work as it can demonstrate what they need to do to achieve a particular level against each criterion. In the table displaying your chosen Feedback Rubric, from the Show Feedback Rubric to Students column, select:

  • Yes (With Feedback Rubric Scores) to show the entire Rubric and all feedback. This is the recommended option.
  • Yes (Without Rubric Scores) to show the Rubric but without any possible point or percentage values. It is important to note that this option will also obscure any feedback you have provided to students on the Rubric.
  • After Grading to show the entire Rubric and all feedback to students only after you completed grading using the Rubric.

IMPORTANT: Students can see a Feedback Rubric regardless of its visibility when they access the Assignment via the mobile Blackboard App. If you are using a Feedback Rubric for grading only and do not want students to see the Feedback Rubric before submitting work, do not associated the Feedback Rubric until submissions have been received and you are starting the marking process.

Step 8: Complete the remaining options as required on the Add/Edit Assignment or Add/Edit Column page, and click Submit.


SH 13/05/2024

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