How can I enrol external users, Associate Lecturers or research students who teach on my Blackboard site?

You can request access to the Blackboard system for non-SHU staff teaching on Sheffield Hallam courses.

The main exceptions to the rule are:

External Examiners: These accounts are created centrally when they are appointed. They are enrolled automatically onto module sites based on data in SITS, they can be added onto other Blackboard sites using the staff enrolment tool, where needed. For any queries about external examiner accounts, please contact

Associate lecturers (ALs): These are staff members and need a standard SHU network IT account set up like any other new SHU staff member. This external user account procedure does not apply to ALs.

Enrolling Bb External Users

Request a Bb account for an external user.

Once the account has been created, you will be sent an email with the details which you should forward on to the external user. You can also enrol the user onto your site, which you can do using the staff enrolment tool from within the site control panel. See the article on  Enrolling Staff Members  for details of how to do this.

Adding Associate Lecturers

Associate Lecturers (ALs) are SHU staff members and should have access to IT facilities, including Blackboard, arranged by their line manager as part of their induction process. Therefore, you should be able to enrol them on a Blackboard site by the same procedure as enrolling any other staff member

If an AL does not appear in the list of staff members you can enrol, he or she does not have access to IT facilities yet. Any AL who does not have access to IT facilities should contact their line manager to arrange for access. If you are the line manager of an AL who needs access to IT facilities, please contact IT Help

Enrolling research students as instructors

Research students, who are being paid to teach part or all a module, may need access to the appropriate Blackboard site.

However, as they are not members of staff, there are a few things you need to do, and consider before you give them access.

Firstly, you need to remind them that they need to comply with Sheffield Hallam's data protection policy, and other codes and regulations. See Personal information and data protection The other policies and regulations are available here. You must get email confirmation from the student that they will adhere to these policies, and you should keep the email as proof that they have been made aware of their responsibilities.

Remember that research students may not have access to the staff intranet, or other information which relates to teaching and learning. When they are enrolled on the site, they will be given access to the Bb-support tab, and all the advice and information that's available here, but you may want to consider whether there's any other information they might find helpful.

Check this help link to see the levels of access to see which one fits best with what the student will be delivering

Request access for research students.


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