How do I create a Feedback Rubric?

IMPORTANT: Students can see a Feedback Rubric regardless of its visibility when they access the Assignment via the mobile Blackboard App. If you are using a Feedback Rubric for grading only and do not want students to see the Feedback Rubric before submitting work, do not associated the Feedback Rubric until submissions have been received and you are starting the marking process.

There are two places to create a new Feedback Rubric. You can create a new Feedback Rubric at the point of adding or editing an Assignment or Grade Column, for instance, and this would follow the stages in in this article from Step 3 onwards. However the most common process is to create it within the Feedback Rubrics area of Site Tools in Control Panel and associate it with an Assignment or Grade Column after.

To create a new Feedback Rubric:

Make sure Edit Mode is ON. The Edit Mode control is located in the top far-right of the page.

Step 1: In Control Panel, select Site Tools, then select Feedback Rubrics.

Step 2: Click Create Feedback Rubric.

Step 3: On the Create Feedback Rubric page, you will see that the template for a new Feedback Rubric comprises of three rows (Criteria) and three columns (Levels of Achievement):

  1. Type a Name for the Feedback Rubric. The name is the title text that identifies the feedback rubric.
  2. Optionally, enter a Description for the Feedback Rubric.
  3. Edit the Feedback Rubric Grid so it corresponds to the type of feedback and scoring desired.
  4. Click Add Row to add a new criterion at the bottom of the grid. Click Add Column to add a new level of achievement to the grid. Click the Criteria or Level of Achievement buttons to open the corresponding Redorder Panels to order the Criteria rows and Level of Achivement columns as desired.
  5. Choose between a Feedback Rubric that scores using No PointsPoints, a Point Range, Percentage, or Percentage Range. [It is important to note that when using a calculated or quantitative type rubric (i.e. Points, Point Range, Percentage, or Percentage Range), you will not be able to show the Rubric to students without any point or percentage values without also obscuring any feedback you will provide to students on the Rubric]. Select:
    1. Points to enter a single point value for each Level of Achievement
    2. Point Range to create a range of values for each Level of Achievement
    3. Percent to apply percentage score based on the Assignment's possible points for each Level of Achievement (see also note below)
    4. Percent Range to select the appropriate percentage level for a particular Level of Achievement - the system calculates the points earned by multiplying the weight x achievement percentage x item points (see also note below), or
    5. Alternatively, the Rubric can be used without points association. We recommend the use of No Points rubric to give feedback only. This gives the greatest flexibility in awarding the marks to the student's work.
  6. Choose Edit from the contextual menu (by clicking the single chevron of the labels identifying rows and columns to change their names.
  7. Enter a Point or Percent value or range of values for each cell, if appropriate.
  8. Enter a Description defining the Criteria and the associated Level of Achievement. Note: There is a 1000 character limit for each cell.
  9. Click Submit to save your Feedback Rubric

Step 4: You can now associate your Feedback Rubric with an Assignment or Grade Centre Column.

Note: When you are using percent-based Feedback Rubrics, there are additional options/notes:

  • Select Show Criteria Weight to show or hide criteria weights.
  • Use Balance Weights to equally weight all criteria.
  • The total weight for all criteria must equal 100%. No row may have a 0% weight. At least one Level of Achievement must have a value of 100%.


SHU 30/01/23

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