How do I correct a mistake in a deployed test?

If an error has been identified in a deployed test after it has been taken by students (e.g. a mistake in the wording of a question or answer, the wrong answer choice indicated as correct, or the incorrect point value of a question), it is possible to retrospectively correct these errors or remove these questions entirely. Where wording or the order of questions is changed, existing grades are not affected. Where the answer choice or numbers of possible points is changed, or questions deleted, Blackboard will automatically ‘regrade’ all completed student attempts.

It is not possible to retrospectively add adding further questions, modifying the number of questions in a question set, or change a random block to tests already taken by students.

Step 1: Errors in tests are corrected on the Test Canvas. The Test Canvas can be accessed by either:

  1. Going to Control Panel > Grade Centre > Full Grade Centre.
  2. Locate the Grade Centre column for the test, and click the chevron in the test’s column header.
  3. Select Edit Test from the contextual menu.


  1. Going to Control Panel > Site Tools > Tests, Surveys and Pools > Tests.
  2. Locate the test, and click the chevron to the right of the test’s name.
  3. Select Edit from the contextual menu.

Step 2: Choose what you would like to correct or change:

  • the correct answer choice of a question
  • the wording of a question or answer
  • the point value for one question
  • the point value for several questions
  • delete a question
  • delete several questions

To change the correct answer choice of a question, or edit the wording of a question or answer:

  1. On the Test Canvas, click the chevron against the question you want to edit.
  2. Select Edit from the contextual menu
  3. Make the corrections required and click Submit and Update Attempts to save your changes

To change the point value for one question:

  1. On the Test Canvas, click the current point value for the question.
  2. In the Update Points pop-up, edit the points.
  3. Click Submit or Submit and Regrade to save your changes.

To change the point value for several questions:

  1. On the Test Canvas, select the check box for each question that you would like to change the point value.
  2. On the Action Bar, type a number in the Points box. All questions will be awarded the same Point Value.
  3. Click Submit or Submit and Regrade to save your changes.

To delete a question:

  1. On the Test Canvas, click the chevron against the question you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete and Regrade from the contextual menu
    ifany students are in the process of taking the test, you will not be able to delete questions until they have submitted their work and the test is no longer in progress

To delete several questions:

  1. On the Test Canvas, select the check box for each question that you would like to remove.
  2. Click Delete and Regrade
    if any students are in the process of taking the test, you will not be able to delete questions until they have submitted their work and the test is no longer in progress
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