How do I make Collaborate available to my students?

There are two ways to make Collaborate available to students on your module sites:

  1. Copy the guest link for the session and paste it into your content in the appropriate place within the module. Note: this will make it more difficult to track student engagement with Collaborate.
  2. Add a link to Collaborate to the module menu. Note: this will allow students to see and access all sessions, as well as view recordings.

To add a link to the menu:

  1. Open the 'Add menu item' menu by hovering the cursor over the  icon above the side menu.
  2. Click 'Tool Link'.
  3. Add a name for the link and set the type to 'Blackboard Collaborate Ultra'.
  4. Tick the 'Available to Users' box and click Submit.
  5. Reposition the new menu item by dragging it to the desired place in the list.


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Explore the following topics for related information: