Copyright may be an issue when you are adding content to a Blackboard site; for example, journal articles from information databases, images, video.
Copyright is a 'property right' which exists to protect the economic rights of those who create works e.g. authors, artists, publishers. This right prohibits the copying of their works except under certain circumstances.
In general, you can copy material only if one of the following applies:
- The material is 'out of copyright'
- You have the permission of the copyright owner
- You are copying within the acceptable limits of the law
- You are copying under the terms of any licences held by the University
Finding and using resources
There are many ways we can enable you to present resources within Blackboard. Creating a reading list (RLO Guide) is one way of linking to a wide range of electronic and digitised resources as well as indicating library availability of print materials.
Finding creative commons licenced materials is another. See the Video, images and audio guide for sources.
Lectures and presentations and student work
Copyright in anything you do in the course of your work for Sheffield Hallam is owned by your employer unless your contract of employment states anything different. Regulations concerning copyright/IPR of work produced by student can be found in our Copyright guide.
Contact or your Learning and Teaching Librarian for further help and information.