Start of Semester - Add and update content
All Blackboard sites have at least some content in them, such as the module handbook or assessment briefs. Lecturers often include handouts and lecture notes on their module site too.
Before the semester starts you should review and update the materials within your Blackboard site. For instance, removing any old module handbooks and replacing them with the current versions, or changing any dates in lecture notes. If you are using a reading list on your Blackboard site, please ensure that the list has been updated to reflect this year's readings, and that any links are still valid.
You should also make sure that any materials from external systems (such as Panopto videos, Padlet walls, LinkedIn Learning materials, and PebblePad workbooks) have been embedded or linked properly and that any of these that have been copied from previous years have been checked and amended where necessary.
IG 28/09/2022